Monday, December 23, 2019

The Ethical Hacking Program On - 1488 Words

The first week of this class was a challenge because I was not prepared with a project. I felt I had plenty of time before I had to come up with a project or plan for this class but all too soon I was enrolled and the class had begun. After looking at a few possible projects and subjects for a thirty page thesis I decided on going through the Certified Ethical Hacking program on Over the past fourteen weeks I watched the lectures on, took quizzes on, read chapters and took chapter review tests in the Certified Ethical Hacker version 9 book by Sean-Philip Oriyano. I watched approximately sixty-one hours of lectures, spent several hours taking assesments and quizzes on and spent somewhere in the neighborhood of thirty-five hours reading and taking chapter review tests in the CEH version 9 book. A Certified Ethical Hacker must understand and know how to test for vulnerabilities and weaknesses in systems. This is done using the same knowledge and tools as a malicious hacker but in a legal manner to assess the security and preparedness of a target system. The CEH credential certifies individuals in the discipline of Ethical Hacking from a vendor neutral perspective. The first week of class I had to agree to the Certified Ethical Hacker Rules and submit a candidate application and certification agreement. Once done with that I had to setup a test workstation running Microsoft Server 2012r2 with Hyper V virtual

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